GATIS Training in Hamburg 2016
The fourth GATIS event took place at DESY in Hamburg from February 29th to March 04nd, 2016. The first two days were devoted to a scientific workshop. Its aim was to stimulate discussions about recent advances in GATIS-related subjects, with most of the participants being GATIS fellows and associated young researchers. Thirteen speakers--PhD students and early-stage postdocs--presented their latest research results.
In total there were about 20 participants coming from research institutes unified by the GATIS network and invited speakers who came to share their expertise. The workshop provided a very important opportunity for young researchers to present their work and take part in active discussions.
Following the scientific workshop, another GATIS soft skill training event took place. Over a period of three days, the young researchers were trained in science communication and career development. Especially the two day workshop on developing career strategies, also outside academia, was very welcomed. This part of the workshop was highly interactive, and brought the scientists to work in groups and to critically discuss different career options, also in view of writing applications.