Research Network
Research Teams
The GATIS network is composed of different research groups on the GATIS topics performing research in many institutions around the world. Each node includes research teams in theoretical physics. You may follow the links to have a closer look at local researchers and their groups.
City University London |
ENS Lyon |
Imperial College London |
INFN SEZIONE di Bologna |
Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita degli Studi di Torino & INFN Torino |
Jagiellonian University Kraków |
Niels Bohr Institut
Trinity College Dublin |
MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics |
Global Research Network
Research on the GATIS topics is performed in many institutions around the world. A few of such global research partners are listed below.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH)
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Research in Quantum Field Theory and Strings
The University of York
Department of Mathematics
Mathematical Physics group
Kyung Hee University
String Theory Group
Universit of Southhampton
Mathematical Sciences
Research project: General relativity
University of Tsukuba
Institute of Physics
Particle Theory Group
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Theoretical Physics (TENA)
National Taiwan University
Hsinchu String Group
University of Leuven
Insitute for Theoretical Physics
High Energy Physics & Relativistic Field Theory