Transferrable Skills


Outline of Course

Access / Contact Information

Sissa Medialab: Science communication – Introductory course
The introductory course will provide participants a panorama about science communication challenges and best practices. Participants will also be challenged in translating research results into news, and in presenting their own research in short, clear narrations.

1. Introduction to the course
2. Communicating inside the scientific community: SISSA and SISSA Medialab experience
3. Communicating research: The “inverted pyramid” and the “so--‐what” effect
4. Presenting our research

Sissa Medialab

[Contact/registration information]

Sissa Medialab: Science communication - Advanced course
This advanced course comprehends two blocks: the first day is dedicated to present examples of communication projects regarding physics; the second and third day participants, with the help of tutors, will prepare a six-panel exhibition to present main topics that are tackled by UNILCH consortium. The exhibition will be downloadable, i.e. usable, in partners’ institutions.

1. Introduction to the course
2. Communicating physics: The experience of CERN
3. A case study: communication strategies and experiences of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics.
4. A case study: Science on trial

Sissa Medialab

[Contact/registration information]

Sissa Medialab: Science on the walls – how to build up a small exhibition

1. Basic principles for science exhibitions. Best practices and simple projects
2. UNILCH in 6 panels: brainstorming for the content development
3. Which graphics for our exhibition?
4. Groups work for the exhibition development
5. Groups work for the exhibition development
6. Wrapping up. Groups present their proposals
7. Finalizing the exhibition. Groups Work
8. Final discussion and closure of the course

Sissa Medialab

[Contact/registration information]

Sissa Medialab: Training course in Communication of science

1. Speed dating - Introduction to the course - Media, places, actors and events for communicating science and technology
2. Communicating inside the scientific community: SISSA and Sissa Medialab experience
3. A case study: The neutrino mania in the press 2011-12
4. Communicating research: the inverted pyramid” and the “so-what” effect

Sissa Medialab

[Contact/registration information]

Sissa Medialab: Introductory and advanced course in Communication of science

1. Digital scientists
2. The role of images
3. Infographic
4. A case study: Current physics in school - The digital classroom
5. Social networks for scientists
6. Personal webpages
7. Presenting our research
8. A scientist who communicates to the large public
9. Presenting our research

Sissa Medialab

[Contact/registration information]

Epigeum: Selecting a conference, presenting and networking
This course explains why it is important to attend conferences, how to select a conference that is appropriate and how to get the most out of conference attendance

Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Selecting a conference
Module 3: Presenting
Module 4: Networking
Module 5: Self-appraisal and feedback

Access here.
Online course (2.5 hours)

Epigeum: Working with your supervisor
This course is aimed at encouraging postgraduates and postdoctorates to consider and actively manage their relationship with their supervisor or principal investigator.

Module 1: Getting started
Module 2: Getting to know your supervisor
Module 3: Meetings and communications
Module 4: Feedback and advice
Module 5: What to do when things go wrong
Module 6: Top tips

Access here.
Online course (2.5 hours)

Epigeum: Career planning in the sciences
This course aims to encourage postgraduate and postdoctoral scientists to actively use career management techniques. Use of these techniques can be valuable whether planning a career in academia or exploring a variety of alternative career options.

Module 1: Understanding your motivations and constraints
Module 2: Your skills toolkit
Module 3: Identify your career path
Module 4: Develop your action plan
Module 5: Top tips for getting that job

Access here.
Online course (1.5 hours)

Epigeum: Career planning in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
This course aims to encourage PhDs and early-career researchers (postdocs and research fellows) to explore the skills and motivations for a career in academia or beyond.

Module 1: Choosing your research
Module 2: Assessing personal skills
Module 3: Choosing your career route
Module 4: Marketing yourself to employers
Module 5: Effective applications
Module 6: Interviews and assessment centres
Module 7: Negotiating skills, accepting and rejecting job offers
Module 8: Being successful in the future

Access here.
Online course (2 hours)

Epigeum: IP in the research context
An awareness of Intellectual Property and related issues is now essential for anyone working within the research context.

This course is a short introduction to the topic and aims to give researchers a knowledge of the key areas that might affect them.

Module 1: Opening scenario
Module 2: An introduction to intellectual property
Module 3: Patents
Module 4: Trade marks
Module 5: Copyright
Module 6: Design rights
Module 7: Ownership and exploitation
Module 8: Closing scenario

Access here.
Online course (2 hours)

Epigeum: Project management in the research context
This course aims to empower researchers to take ownership of a research project. The course introduces traditional project management methodologies and illustrates how these tools and techniques can be used in the research context.

Module 1: Introduction to the course
Module 2: Key terms
Module 3: Project life cycle phase one: Project concept
Module 4: Project life cycle phase two: Planning
Module 5: Project planning tools and outputs
Module 6: Project life cycle phase three: Implementing the project
Module 7: Project life cycle phase four: Closing the project
Module 8: Project management tools
Module 9: Comparing commercial and academic research

Access here.
Online course (2 hours)

Epigeum: Getting published in the arts
The aim of this course is to give guidance and support to arts and humanities students who are keen to put their research into the public realm, through academic papers and books.

Module 1: Publishing landscape
Module 2: Writing an academic journal article
Module 3: Publishing books

Access here.
Online course (2 hours)

Epigeum: Getting published in the sciences
This course aims to encourage science postgraduates and postdoctorates to publish and advise them on how this may best be accomplished.

Module 1: Publishing landscape
Module 2: Getting ready to publish
Module 3: Submitting your paper
Module 4: The editorial process
Module 5: Dealing with rejection
Module 6: Tips from the top

Access here.
Online course (2 hours)

DESY-Fortbildung: Training "Defense" for PhD students
In two half-days, interested PhD students are working on their "performance" in individual-, dyads- and group work. We will analyze the situation with input from colleagues who already had their defense, discuss the specific arrangements and obstacles and learn to increase presence. The possibility for short individual interviews is given.

Target group: PhD students who wish for a long-term preparation of their thesis defense (about one year in advance).
Duration: two half days
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