Research Ethics and Integrity


Outline of Course

Access / Contact Information

Epigeum: Ethics 1: Good research practice
This course covers standard practice and recent changes in universities' ethics policies relating to research that investigates people and their data.

Module 1: An introduction to research ethics
Module 2: Ethics and science and ethics in practice
Module 3: A brief history of ethics and its implications
Module 4: Further questions on research ethics
Module 5: Stages for an ethics review and reflection

Access here.
Online course (3 hours)

Epigeum: Ethics 2: Working with Human Subjects
This course is about the ethics of involving human participants ‒ directly or indirectly ‒ in research projects.

Module 1: Key ethics issues
Module 2: Working with human participants ‒ introduction
Module 3: Ethics and regulation
Module 4: Informed consent ‒ introduction
Module 5: Informed consent ‒ accessibility of information
Module 6: Informed consent ‒ children
Module 7: Informed consent ‒ adults with learning difficulties
Module 8: Confidentiality
Module 9: Liability and inducement

Access here.
Online course (3 hours)

Epigeum: Research Integrity
5 courses:
- Biomedical Sciences
- Natural and Physical Sciences
- Engineering and Technology
- Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Arts and Humanities

This course is designed to help researchers in the biomedical sciences to:

• Know, understand and explain the key responsibilities they have as researchers
• Identify the challenges they could face in meeting those responsibilities
• Be aware of strategies for dealing with pressures and difficult situations.

Module 1: Introduction: principles and professional responsibilities, dealing with misconduct, mentoring
Module 2: Planning: research with human participants, conflicts of interest, workplace safety
Module 3: Conducting: data collection, sharing and interpretation
Module 4: Reporting: plagiarism, authorship, peer review
Module 5: Responsibility to the public and society.

Access here.
Online course (4-5 hours)